Monday, November 27, 2006

the prawns, not the pasties, wot dun it, missus (old hortop family joke)

is this the offensive river-beast that caused three young (-ish) westerners to hurtle to digestive hell and back on the night of the 22nd November? Is this the young man whose penchant for washing dishes in the river caused same young (-ish) westerners to turn their pretty little cabins into fetid sick holes? No. This is the sweet doctor of necessity with a good line in curative salty lime drinks and the magic smelling lemon (you sniff it and you feel less sick). whom we didn't tip. I know it was reasonable of us not to tip after being resolutely poisoned by the ship's crew, but i feel very guilty when I remember how kind he was. So, although this is a photo test, this is also a little apology. And the prawns were good, I believe, although I was unable to taste them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that you on the left Fran? You said you'd lost weight but this is ridiculous.

8:25 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey well at least I can post a comment now, you're a technological genius!

Are you not being a bit harsh suggesting that the boat chaps should have rinsed the bone china in distilled Perrier?

We can wait for photos, you've only been gone 5 mins!


2:34 AM


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