Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Sticky Kerala

Fourth day of the big adventure and second day of blog. It's taking me a while to acclimatise to travelling, India, the heat, the endless hordes of staring men, lack of cats (of my own) and am finding it difficult to process everything. Dan is also at my shoulder proof-reading everything (oh, the joys of emailing in a weirdo hotel foyer) and this is somewhat interrupting my otherwise florid prose-style! Kerala is hot and sticky, this much I know. I'm completely paranoid about offending the local people so am constantly attached to my shawl which is also hot and sticky. We had a lovely poolside morning, however, and I managed to burn some flesh in my bikini, so all is not lost. This afternoon we wandered around the paddy fields (superannuated but very pretty swamps) and tomorrow we're going to Alleppey for an overnight boat trip around Kerala's backwaters. We can see the sea from our balcony. So a very watery theme to this week. We are also having at least three showers a day. Oh this is fascinating stuff. I hope to be able to write something clever about this holiday before long. Once I've shaken the look and the attitude of a startled rabbit then I'm sure writing about it will not be the frightening business it seems to be at the moment.

not sure if this is allowed in a blog, but love to all and miss you lots. you know who you are



Anonymous Anonymous said...

when do you do the bush tucker trial?

12:51 AM


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