Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Jude and Roger get wed

Jude and Roger get wed

This is the main reason for our journey north east, a wedding at Mokau - for Jude and Roger. A happy occasion for two very lovely people.

A sign of a good wedding is not very many photos - too much fun to be had eating and drinking and having good conversations with people you've never seen in your life. Happily, we have only three or four shots of the wedding (the important one being the photo you see above).

Other good signs? Tears, Dan dancing, extensive and heartfelt speeches, spontaneous speeches that make you cry all over again, hangovers, campfire singing, swapping addresses, drunken conversations about your own wedding (whether it's happened or might one day happen). Having never met either bride or groom before, I was a little surprised to find myself weeping heartily during the ceremony. But it was irresistible - a good weep comes easily for me, but this was as intimate and lovely as any wedding I've been to and so I cried till the mascara ran down my right cheek. It stayed there all nght long.

There were a few good moments that weren't according to plan like when the local Maori kids were caught thieving from some of the guests tents and Karlos sped off to chase them down or when Roger's wedding fire crept a little too close to the eucalyptus tree. These occasions have to be marked with both good and dangerous moments, it's what Garp might call pre-disastered, it augurs very well.

It was a very good day out.


Blogger Unknown said...

Oddly i had a dream last night that you'd popped over for the weekend to see the cats and tell us that you and Dan had tied the knot in secret - then i read your blog today - freaky! You're not allowed to by the way - do it secret that is!
Good to hear you and Dan are getting some decent drinking in ;o)

4:09 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like the wedding was lovely....

I do miss you.

I wrote a song for you, well actually it's more of a butchering of a Liza Minnelli song:

Thank you very much, you're really terrific
And seeing how you are, can I tell ya something, I have a problem
No wait, it's not a big problem, but it is a problem
It's my name, you know I find that still - a lot of people call me Neal - Wrong
My name is Neil - Neil - has a 'E' in it
Well, for instance, somebody'll come up to me on the street and say
Hello Neal how are you, I'll say, I'm fine thankyou but it's Neil
Or somebody'll say - Neal what a nice hat you have on
I'll say thank you very much but my name is Neil and that's my hair
So you can see what I mean
Anyway, I've been trying to figure out a final solution to this whole thing
And I think I've come up with the answer - Jack

It's Neil with 'E' not Neal with an 'A', 'Cause Neal with an 'A' goes Snaarrl
It's 'E' instead of 'A', 'Lean' instead of 'Lane', It's simple as can be, see, Neil
I'll do it again
It's Neil with 'E' not Neal with an 'A', 'Cause Neal with an 'A' goes Snaarrl
It's 'E' instead of 'A', 'Lean' instead of 'Lane', It's simple as can be, see, Neil

Now - if my name were Ada, I'd be Ada, even backwards I'd be Ada
Or if my name were Ruth, then I'd be Ruth because with Ruth what can you do
Or Sally, or Margaret or Ginger or Faye
But when you're a Neil you always have to say

Nn - It's Neil with 'E' not Neal with an 'A', 'Cause Neal with an 'A' goes Snaarrl
It's 'E' instead of 'A', 'Lie' instead of 'Lee', It's simple as can be, see, Neil

Oh! And that is only half of it There's another way
Fate treats me cruelly. How often I remember someone saying
"There he goes, Neil Shar!"
Or Shaw, or Shauh, or Sham, or Shea
So is it a wonder, I very often cry?

5:56 AM

Blogger frangipan said...

Neil! the first song on my blog! shame i haven't got the power to hear you singing it...

lots of love and more songs, please!

5:13 PM


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